Ian Barton

Senior Director and
Head of Medical &
Technical Affairs for Asia,
Middle East & Africa,
P&G Health

Thank you everyone for making the time to join in this very special symposium during ‘World Sleep Day’ and being a part of this collective effort to help improve diagnoses, treatment and management of sleep related challenges -- an emerging health concern across the world and our region.

I am thankful to our distinguished speakers- Dr Joy Desai, Dr Harish Shetty, Professor Keith Aguilera, Professor June Lo and Professor Nevin Zaki for covering a wide breadth of topics including the impact of sleep deprivation and raising awareness on good sleep hygiene and the use of sleep supplements as an intervention for sleep deprivation.

And a special THANK YOU to you, our pharmacists. You play a pivotal role in helping people live healthier lives through educating our community to understand the importance and health impact of sleep. Thank you for joining us and becoming the Voice for Healthy Sleep in your respective countries and cities.

As a World leader in Sleep Health, and a proud partner of World Sleep Day 2023, P&G Health is committed to continue its support towards creating awareness on how ‘Sleep is essential for Health’ and we look forward to partnering with you in this mission.

To conclude, P&G Health believes that everyone deserves a good night's rest, and all of you as Health care practitioners put in long hours and untiring efforts serving the needs of patients and consumers. Hence, on this World Sleep Day, I would like to also take this opportunity to wish YOU some rest and recuperation and the many benefits of a good night’s rest!

Happy World Sleep Day!

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Dr Joy D. Desai

Director & Head, Department of Neurology, The Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre, Mumbai, India
Dr Joy D. Desai is the Director and Head of the Department of Neurology at The Jaslok Hospital & Research Centre.
He is a clinical neurologist with expertise in epilepsy, sleep disorders, and neurodegenerative conditions. He has actively conducted research in these areas and has a keen interest in furthering the understanding of these neurological conditions.